Wouldn't it be easier to be able to access your training plan on a dedicated coaching platform. Once signed up you can simply choose your plan, choose your start or end date (such as your event date) and apply it to your calendar.
Once the plan is applied to your calendar, on the web app you can then simply drag and drop workouts around to better suit your schedule. The adjusted plan will automatically update on the mobile app so you will always have your personal training schedule available to view.
Connect your fitness tracker or Strava and your completed workouts will automatically synch to your training calendar. With select devices you can even synch your plan to your watch, which can then guide you through your workout.
Once your workout is complete and has been synched back to your calendar you can monitor your progress using the platforms performance charts. You can also access additional resources within the platform such as pace calculators, tips etc.
Access a weekly live Q&A call with a qualified running coach. These group calls are a fantastic opportunity to tap into the knowledge of a qualified running coach. Whether you have questions about the plan, or how to perform a workout this is where you can get these questions answered.
PFM Coaching Online training club members get exclusive access to our privately hosted social groups. Depending on your chosen option your group may be coach monitored giving another opportunity to get professional advice and support. Additionally you can connect with other runners in the community and share your running journey, supporting each other along the way